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» TOP Vacancy : PhD Fellowship: Biomarker HIV associated TB at University of Cape Town, South Africa
TOP Vacancy : PhD Fellowship: Biomarker HIV associated TB at University of Cape Town, South Africa
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South Africa Scholarships
PhD Fellowship (Biomarkers of HIV-associated Tuberculosis) is open for the South African applicants to conduct PhD at the University of Cape Town for the academic session of 2017.
The PhD fellowship is available for a project that will evaluate the performance of a blood RNA biomarker of TB disease in HIV-infected persons.
The aim of the fellowship is to evaluate the effects of demographic, clinical, and laboratory factors, including HIV treatment and viral suppression markers, on the diagnostic and prognostic performance of a blood-based RNA signature for TB disease that was discovered and validated in HIV-uninfected persons.
The University of Cape Town in South Africa (UCT)’s reputation for excellence is underpinned by its distinctive research, led by its distinguished faculty. Universities have the unique opportunity to influence the future of our society by educating and shaping the future leaders of the country.
Course Level: The fellowship is available to pursue PhD.
Study Subject: The fellowship is awarded in the field of Biomarkers of HIV-associated Tuberculosis.
Scholarship Award: The fellowship will cover R124 800 per year and will depend on relevant experience and skills.
Numbers of Scholarships: One fellowship is available.
Scholarship can be taken in South Africa
Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following area for the fellowship:
Key Requirements:
MBChB or Masters degree in Public Health or a related field.
Epidemiology and Biostatistical experience.
Proficiency in the analysis of large datasets. • Familiarity with R and/or Stata programming.
Core Competencies:
Demonstrate solid scientific proficiency, creativity, critical thinking, the ability to collaborate effectively with others, and independent thought processes.
Ability to handle multiple projects and priorities with exceptional organisational and time management skills.
Additional Clinical or research experience in TB and/or HIV will be advantageous.
Nationality: Applicants of South Africa can apply for the fellowship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have an MBChB or Masters degree.
PhD Scholarship
How to Apply: Applicants can apply via email.
Email a letter of motivation, full CV and contact details of 3 referees, clearly indicating “PhD Fellowship” in the subject line, to Mrs Alison September at
Application Deadline: The application deadline is May 15, 2017.
Scholarship Link
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General Enquiries:
Tel +27 406 6791
Worcester Field Site Office
Tel+ 27 23 346 5400
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